Originally published on LinkedIn

You probably set New Year’s resolutions in January, but are you sticking to them six or eight months later? If you’re like most people, life has intervened and it’s been hard to stay focused.
Here we are in the middle of the year -- the perfect time to reevaluate your progress AND reset your intentions about:
who you want to be
what you want to focus on
why it matters to you now
We get it. Easier said than done! Women in particular faced so many challenges over the last year and half - it may be hard to know how and where to start.
It’s true - so much has changed since the beginning of 2021. Maybe the goals you set for yourself aren’t as relevant anymore. And during a career transition, directions and priorities can shift as you explore your next move and gain more clarity along the way.
Or maybe you’re feeling like you’re not making progress fast enough. We know you have a million distractions pulling at you - as mothers, wives, daughters, volunteers and entrepreneurs, we're in the same boat as you!
Time to re-prioritize YOU!
Where are you now? Are your thoughts sabotaging you from getting results as you think about your next career chapter, whether you’re:
returning to the workforce after a break
pivoting careers
laid off or furloughed
job searching
emerging from a personal transition (divorce, health crisis, or other loss)
You’re among friends. Let’s get real!
Which of these 21 things is still holding you back from making a career leap in 2021?
It’s too late for me.
I’ve been out of the workforce too long.
I’ve been in the same role or industry for too long.
I don’t know what I want to do.
My skills are outdated.
I’m over-qualified for the position I want.
They don’t want someone my age.
I can’t find time to focus on myself.
I mean, I seriously have no idea what I want to do.
It’s scary - what if I fail?
I should be able to figure this out by myself.
I hate networking.
I don’t like talking about myself.
My child/mother/friend/partner needs me to stay in the status quo.
I don’t have an elevator pitch.
Wait - what’s an elevator pitch?
My resume is out of date.
My LinkedIn profile is non-existent.
I’m unfulfilled in my career, but it works for my family.
I don’t know what my skills are anymore.
It’s not worth trying until I fix/change/learn _____.
What resonates with you? Checking in with yourself is a simple and effective way to get to the root of why you’re not taking action.
And if you’re like us, what’s holding you back is a combination of the reasons (excuses, if we’re honest) listed above.
Once you sift through what's holding you back in midlife, it’s really a matter of mindset!
When you spend time understanding YOU and owning your assets and values -- your talents, skills, and what lights you up -- you’ll be ready to move forward.
The beauty about making a change in midlife is that you’re not starting from scratch! You have so much to draw from and leverage in your next chapter.
It takes being intentional and getting out of your head. The thing is -- you get to choose! What you think is what you believe, and what you believe becomes truer every. single. day.
Forget those limiting beliefs and learn to see midlife as an opportunity to shine.
One way to get out of your head and into high gear is to start doing. What we’ve found time and again in our work with women in midlife career transition at EvolveMe (and as women who’ve pivoted and relaunched our own careers in midlife) career change requires taking action. Just that first step. And then the next.
Want to end the year strong and shift into action? Reset and create effective mid-year goals with these 3 tips:
Tip #1 Check in with intentions you’ve already set. If you set goals at the beginning of the year (or anytime after) review those first. See if they’re still applicable to what you want to achieve and what you value now. And if they’re not, it will be a good starting point for you to tweak from.
Tip #2 List your top 3 career related wins since January. Look back on your calendar. Go through your email. Review your journal entries. If you're really stuck, ask a friend, family member or colleague or a woman close to you.
Wins can be big or small. And they’re cumulative! Each small step builds on the next for new opportunities.
Tip #3 Write down what you LOVE to do right now. Not just what you’re good at. Often those are two different things! What you love to do will give you energy and light you up. It won’t feel like work and you’ll get lost in what’s in front of you -- in a good way!
Most of all, we know you’ll gain momentum when you’re moving in the same direction as other smart, like-minded and motivated women like you.
So -- don’t go at it alone!
Find a community that gets you and that will have your back, cheer you on when you land a new role and lift you up when you’re down. If we’ve learned anything as women entrepreneurs, when you win, we all win!
We’re here to lift all boats -- let’s reset together and make the rest of 2021 memorable for all the right reasons!
Want to move farther, faster in your career transition? Whether you're relaunching your career after a break or looking to make a change, we've got your back. EvolveMe provides the structure, tools, community and accountability to make professional transition exciting, rewarding and doable!
We're better together!
Head to the EvolveMe website for membership, upcoming programming and more. And check out our author bios below for free tools and trainings!

Author Bios:
Linda Lautenberg, Co-Founder of EvolveMe, is a return to work expert, women’s career advancement strategist and champion for all midlife career changers. Along with her co-founder, Linda developed EvolveMe’s proprietary DARE© Method of Career Reinvention to help cohorts of high achieving women find clarity, gain confidence, and launch the best chapter of their professional life.
If you need a place to start getting unstuck, download EvolveMe’s FREE career strategy tool: The EvolveMe Career Reinvention Analyzer.
As co-founder of EvolveMe, Judy Schoenberg is a career strategist and leadership expert for women in midlife career transition who are exploring a return to the workforce or are pivoting careers. Through the DARE© Method of Career Reinvention she created with her co-founder, Judy helps cohorts of women find the clarity and confidence to own their value and pursue new opportunities.
Get the inspiration you need for your next career move by downloading EvolveMe’s FREE training: 6 Mindset Traps that Sabotage Career Transition in Midlife.