This article is part of our #40over40 series.

This is our time! We’re stronger when we work together to lift other women up. Evolve is creating the list we've been waiting for -- the first-ever 40 Over 40 list! We're curating profiles of women who have or are in the process of reinventing their careers in their 40s, 50, 60s and beyond. We're thrilled to share these stories of reinvention - women returning to work, pivoting careers or launching new ventures!
What prompted your career reinvention? Dissatisfaction and deep discomfort that led to a meditation practice. Through meditation I began to feel how out of alignment my life had become.
What's the best thing about midlife career change? Understanding that “life is the dancer and you are the dance...” Eckhart Tolle
What's the biggest challenge? Setting and respecting boundaries. Not being reactionary to tiggers. Remembering that other people’s anger, shame and frustration is not about you.
What's your personal mantra or mission? Why? “It’s not about you,, the event, meeting, etc is part of a bigger purpose.” I say this mantra to deflect doubt or imposter syndrome. Also, “ are expansive, abundant like the ocean and sky..” I repeat this mantra when I feel someone is not being helpful or I want blame others. I also use this mantra when I come home to dirty dishes.
Your best career advice for other women at midlife is... The idea was born in your mind, now take a small step toward that idea. Do not immediately share every idea with friends or loved ones. And when you decide to share your idea, goals, etc determine whether you are looking for approval or confirmation. Act on your own authority.